Investigators with search warrant close newsroom for three hours

NMU CALIFORNIA Confidentiality/Privilege May 3, 2002 Investigators with search warrant close newsroom for three hours Officials from the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office wanted to know who paid for a newspaper ad, but they ended up not searching the building when publishers agreed to turn over the billing information. The newsroom and business offices Read more about Investigators with search warrant close newsroom for three hours[…]

Police use media photos to prosecute vandals after basketball loss

NMU PENNSYLVANIA Confidentiality/Privilege Apr 3, 2001 Police use media photos to prosecute vandals after basketball loss Some members of the news media turned over film and tape of Penn State fans who were upset over their team’s loss in the NCAA tournament. Photos and videos obtained from the news media and others may help police Read more about Police use media photos to prosecute vandals after basketball loss[…]

Virginia blogger fights broad subpoena

A blogger fighting a sweepingly broad subpoena that is seeking the identities of hundreds of his readers filed a motion in Virginia court on Thursday arguing that their identities should be protected. The Charlottesville-based blogger who runs, Waldo Jaquith, wrote an article about a defamation lawsuit against a local weekly newspaper, The Hook. In Read more about Virginia blogger fights broad subpoena[…]

Justice Dept. subpoenas reporter over CIA sources

The Obama Justice Department has decided to continue the Bush administration’s quest to compel a New York Times reporter to testify about confidential sources in a book he published about the CIA, The New York Times reported. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. has renewed a January 2008 subpoena seeking the confidential sources of James Read more about Justice Dept. subpoenas reporter over CIA sources[…]

Duke University drops subpoenas to lacrosse-scandal blogger

Duke University has withdrawn subpoenas seeking communications between a college professor who wrote about the North Carolina school's lacrosse scandal and the student athletes following an appeals hearing last week. Duke lawyers dropped the subpoenas Friday before U.S. District Judge D. Brock Hornby could rule on whether a lower court’s decision to enforce the subpoenas Read more about Duke University drops subpoenas to lacrosse-scandal blogger[…]

Reporters Committee files brief opposing journalist's subpoena in Malheur stand-off prosecution

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press filed an amicus brief opposing compelled testimony of John Sepulvado, a former reporter with Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB), which was authorized by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in his first week in office. Sepulvado had interviewed Ryan Bundy, one of the Malheur Natural Wildlife Refuge occupants, about the Read more about Reporters Committee files brief opposing journalist's subpoena in Malheur stand-off prosecution[…]

North Carolina newspaper editor vows to fight subpoena

A North Carolina newspaper editor will fight a subpoena for his notes and testimony in an obstruction of justice case against a county sheriff, news@norman reported. Ken H. Fortenberry, editor of news@norman, received the subpoena on Jan. 27 and told the defense lawyer yesterday that he would not appear without a court order because the Read more about North Carolina newspaper editor vows to fight subpoena[…]

Washington state Senate passes shield bill

NEWS MEDIA UPDATE · WASHINGTON · Confidentiality/Privilege · March 9, 2007 Washington state Senate passes shield bill Senators passed a bill Thursday that would give reporters an absolute privilege to protect their confidential sources and a qualified privilege to protect their newsgathering materials. March 9, 2007 · The Washington state Senate passed a shield bill Read more about Washington state Senate passes shield bill[…]

Trash-talking Trump aims to weaponize impeachment

President Donald Trump has no direct control over his impeachment, but that’s not stopping him from trying to weaponize the process. It’s shaping up to be a classic Trump scheme — counterattack, demean the opposition, predict absolute victory, reduce the argument to a few talking points, and never, ever, cede ground. And it’s a messaging Read more about Trash-talking Trump aims to weaponize impeachment[…]