'Healthcare is a Right': Bernie Sanders Finds Common Ground in Trump Country

In a town hall in rural McDowell County, West Virginia, on Sunday, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) told a crowd filled with supporters of President Donald Trump that “healthcare is a right”—and was met with cheers. The town hall was broadcast Monday on MSNBC‘s “All In With Chris Hayes,” and featured discussion on a range of Read more about 'Healthcare is a Right': Bernie Sanders Finds Common Ground in Trump Country[…]

DOJ Docs Raise Questions About Gorsuch's Views on Torture and Executive Power

With just days until Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, a new trove of documents is raising additional questions about the federal judge’s time at the Department of Justice (DOJ), where he “played a key role in defending the torture and detention policies that have been rejected by the Read more about DOJ Docs Raise Questions About Gorsuch's Views on Torture and Executive Power[…]

With 200+ Iraqi Civilians Feared Dead, Carnage Surging Under Trump

The carnage continues. And appears to be growing. With the war that President George W. Bush started and that President Barack Obama failed to end now in the hands of President Donald Trump, global outrage and condemnation was expressed over the weekend as details emerged over a U.S. bombing in Iraq that may have killed Read more about With 200+ Iraqi Civilians Feared Dead, Carnage Surging Under Trump[…]

These Are the 16 Senators Still Undecided About Filibustering Neil Gorsuch

Fifteen Democrats (and one Independent) remain undecided on whether to filibuster Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court, according to one news outlet’s recent count. The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote on President Donald Trump’s nominee on Monday, April 3; Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has said that a vote to confirm Read more about These Are the 16 Senators Still Undecided About Filibustering Neil Gorsuch[…]

Joan Baez Goes Viral With 'Nasty Man,' a Protest Song for the Trump Era

Joan Baez, protest singer of the peace and civil rights movements of the 1960s, has gone viral with a protest song for today’s Trump era, called “Nasty Man.” The song features roses in the Rose Garden telling President Donald Trump that he “owes the Earth a pardon;” pokes fun at the president for his border Read more about Joan Baez Goes Viral With 'Nasty Man,' a Protest Song for the Trump Era[…]

US Blocks G7 Climate Statement As White House Waffles on Paris Deal

Nations attending the Group of 7 (G7) conference in Italy were unable to put out a joint statement on climate change this week because of the Trump administration’s foot-dragging on environmental policies, particularly its commitment to the Paris agreement, Reuters reported Monday. President Donald Trump signed an order last month undoing climate regulations drawn up Read more about US Blocks G7 Climate Statement As White House Waffles on Paris Deal[…]

Tribunal Finds Monsanto Endangers Right to Food, Health, Environment

Biotech giant Monsanto “has engaged in practices which have negatively impacted the right to a healthy environment, the right to food, and the right to health,” five international judges comprising the “Monsanto Tribunal” declared Tuesday.  The panel, which heard two days of testimony outside the Hague in October and spent the months since reviewing the Read more about Tribunal Finds Monsanto Endangers Right to Food, Health, Environment[…]

Sanders' Stumping for Anti-Choice Mayoral Candidate Draws Ire

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who’s now on a multi-state tour to galvanize grassroots resistance to the Trump agenda, can boast of high popularity, but he’s taking flak for backing an anti-choice mayoral candidate. Speaking Thursday at a sold-out event at the University of Nebraska Omaha’s Baxter Arena, Sanders rallied support for Heath Mello, the Read more about Sanders' Stumping for Anti-Choice Mayoral Candidate Draws Ire[…]

In Announcing 'Better Deal' Platform, Dems Admit Status Quo Not Working

With a live-streamed presentation and a slate of new messaging on Monday, Democratic leaders attempted to articulate for the first time since their party’s 2016 losses an agenda that “works for everyone…not just the elites and special interests.” As the local Winchester Star reported, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer Read more about In Announcing 'Better Deal' Platform, Dems Admit Status Quo Not Working[…]

Neutrality is now one step away with Green Story

77% of consumers strongly believe that products should be carbon neutral when they arrive at their doorsteps, regardless of where your brand lies on the sustainability spectrum. Each step we take can secure resources for future generations and preserve our planet’s beauty. It’s time to zero in on neutrality. Carbon emitted at every stage of Read more about Neutrality is now one step away with Green Story[…]