Critics Ready "Failing" Grade for Obama's NSA Reforms

Ahead of a speech announcing his ideas for reforming the National Security Agency and its mass surveillance programs exposed over the last eight months, worries are pitched that President Obama will not go nearly far enough in his proposals to rein in the agency. Based on a series of leaked “insider” reports on the contours Read more about Critics Ready "Failing" Grade for Obama's NSA Reforms[…]

'Don't Touch My Internet' Protesters Met with Water Cannons

Turkish citizens protesting a draconian takeover of the nation’s internat system on Saturday were met with a violent response from security forces who used rubber bullets and water cannons to disperse grounds in Istanbul. Click Here: Golf special Though similar protest was also held in the nation’s capital of Ankara, only the demonstration in Istanbul Read more about 'Don't Touch My Internet' Protesters Met with Water Cannons[…]

Despite Promises, Egypt's Military Junta Approves General for Presidential Run

Egypt’s Supreme Council of Armed Forces has approved General Abdul-Fattah al-Sisi to run for presidency, Egyptian state media reported Monday. The authorization follows interim President Adly Mansour’s promotion of al-Sisi from Defense Minister to Field Marshal on Monday and boosts the likelihood al-Sisi will run for the post. The green light comes despite previous claims Read more about Despite Promises, Egypt's Military Junta Approves General for Presidential Run[…]

Showering in Formaldehyde? Fresh Fears in West Virginia

“What we know scares us, and we know there’s a lot more we don’t know,” a West Virginia environmental scientist said Wednesday after revealing he had found formaldehyde in water samples taken after officials had declared the water safe for drinking. Scott Simonton, a Marshall University environmental scientist and member of the state Environmental Quality Read more about Showering in Formaldehyde? Fresh Fears in West Virginia[…]

Cities Take Note: University Campuses Are Providing Models for Sustainable Transportation

If cities across the U.S. took a few transportation cues from initiatives happening at college and university campuses across the country, we could be headed towards a more sustainable future, a new reports shows. Released Wednesday from the U.S. PIRG Education Fund, the report, “New Course: How Innovative University Programs Are Reducing Driving on Campus Read more about Cities Take Note: University Campuses Are Providing Models for Sustainable Transportation[…]

'Lives on the Line': Prison Hunger Strike Escalates As Men Refuse Liquids

Men held in solitary confinement at the Menard Correctional Center have declared a liquids strike, in addition to a nearly four-week-old hunger strike, escalating their resistance against open-ended isolation with the few means of protest they have left. “It is an increasingly dire situation,” said Staughton Lynd, who has been supporting the incarcerated men along Read more about 'Lives on the Line': Prison Hunger Strike Escalates As Men Refuse Liquids[…]

Toxic Chemicals Linked to 'Global, Silent Pandemic' Striking Children Worldwide

Toxic chemicals including some pesticides and solvents may be behind the increasing number of cases of neurodevelopmental disabilities—including autism and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder—among children, researchers warn. The findings are presented in a study by Philippe Grandjean, adjunct professor of environmental health at Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and Philip Landrigan, Dean for Global Health Read more about Toxic Chemicals Linked to 'Global, Silent Pandemic' Striking Children Worldwide[…]

Can Public Opposition to Corporate 'Free Trade' Derail US/EU Deal?

Public opposition to “free trade” and multinational corporations could obstruct closed-door negotiations over the Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement between the United States and European Union, EU government officials and businesspeople stated Friday, according to Reuters. “We are grappling with people who are anti-European, who are anti-American, who are anti-free trade, who are anti-globalization and who Read more about Can Public Opposition to Corporate 'Free Trade' Derail US/EU Deal?[…]