Sanders, Warren Lead Call for Biden to Embrace 'Historic' Medicare Expansion

President Joe Biden’s top challenger in last year’s Democratic primary, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, spearheaded a letter sent to the White House on Sunday urging the president to embrace an “historic opportunity” and include key expansions to the U.S. Medicare program when he announces a detailed vision for a major federal investment and tax Read more about Sanders, Warren Lead Call for Biden to Embrace 'Historic' Medicare Expansion[…]

'Not Enough!' Climate Activists Disappointed With New EU Emissions Deal on Eve of Biden Summit

After overnight negotiations to finalize a European Union climate law ahead of U.S. President Joe Biden’s leaders summit at the end of the week, E.U. leaders reached a tentative deal on an emissions reduction target for 2030 that advocacy groups warn falls far short of what is needed to meet the Paris agreement’s 1.5°C temperature Read more about 'Not Enough!' Climate Activists Disappointed With New EU Emissions Deal on Eve of Biden Summit[…]

Climate Movement Applauds Coal Miners' Demand for Just Transition, Green Jobs

The largest union of coal miners in the U.S. announced Monday that it would accept a transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy as long as the federal government takes care of coal workers through the provision of green jobs and income support for those who become unemployed. “Energy transition and labor policies must be Read more about Climate Movement Applauds Coal Miners' Demand for Just Transition, Green Jobs[…]

Aston Martin kicks up a storm – wants in-season rule change!

Aston Martin team boss Otmar Szafnauer caused some major disturbance in the paddock at Imola on Friday, questioning post hoc the intent behind this year’s regulation changes and suggesting they should be adjusted  and made more “equitable”! The FIA introduced some small but significant aero changes for the 2021 season in a bid to reduce Read more about Aston Martin kicks up a storm – wants in-season rule change![…]

Asaki explains how Honda jumped ahead of Mercedes

Honda’s head of power unit development Yasuaki Asaki has been talking about the package of upgrades and improvements that has allowed the Japanese manufacturer to take over from Mercedes as the leading engine in F1. Asaki said that a large number of changes had originally been pushed back to 2022, but had then been brought Read more about Asaki explains how Honda jumped ahead of Mercedes[…]

Vettel not being ‘hypocritical’ for promoting sustainability

Sebastian Vettel says racing in F1 while also denouncing environmental issues or promoting sustainability does not make him a hypocrite. In recent years, Vettel has often been vocal about the sport’s need to become more sustainable, a compulsion born out of the German’s active interest in the environment and sustainability issues. But are the four-time Read more about Vettel not being ‘hypocritical’ for promoting sustainability[…]

Adil Rami : Il retrouve son ex Sidonie Biémont et ses enfants à Istanbul

Le 27 octobre 2019, Adil Rami a publié plusieurs photographies de famille avec ses fils Zayn et Madi (3 ans) et son ex Sidonie Biémont. Un retour de flamme ? Non, la mère de ses fils est venue le voir en Turquie pour qu’il puisse passer du temps avec ses enfants. L’ancien joueur de l’OM Read more about Adil Rami : Il retrouve son ex Sidonie Biémont et ses enfants à Istanbul[…]

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley et Jason Statham : Couple glamour de sortie

Tout semble sourire au couple Jason Statham – Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. Après la naissance de leur fils et l’annonce surprise d’une date de mariage, ils se sont affichés ensemble sur le red carpet, plus resplendissants que jamais. Le site du quotidien britannique The Daily Mail révèle que Jason Statham et Rosie Huntington-Whiteley se diront I do Read more about Rosie Huntington-Whiteley et Jason Statham : Couple glamour de sortie[…]

Rika Zaraï se confie sur Jean-Pierre, son mari depuis cinquante ans !

Click:laser cutting machine tube Depuis cinquante ans, Jean-Pierre Magnier est là au côté de Rika Zaraï dans les bons moments comme dans les mauvais, notamment lorsque la chanteuse de 81 ans a fait un AVC. Alors qu’elle sort un coffret de 100 titres (chez Mariane Mélodie), elle s’est confiée à France dimanche. Click Here: stade Read more about Rika Zaraï se confie sur Jean-Pierre, son mari depuis cinquante ans ![…]

Prince Harry : “Dragué”, le mari de Meghan refroidit les ardeurs des Japonaises

En laissant son épouse Meghan Markle et leur fils de six mois, Archie, pour aller assister au duel final de la Coupe de rugby, le prince Harry ne s’imaginait certainement pas que sa mission supporter au Japon allait virer à… l’Ile de la Tentation ! “Victime” amusée d’une main aux fesses juste avant de quitter Read more about Prince Harry : “Dragué”, le mari de Meghan refroidit les ardeurs des Japonaises[…]