Leave now, extension, or indefinite stay: Biden’s 3 bad Afghanistan options

President Joe Biden has been presented with three broad options for how to prolong or end America’s involvement in the 20-year Afghanistan War — and all three have significant drawbacks for the administration and the Afghan people. Here’s what Biden’s military and intelligence advisers offered up in recent days, as reported by the New York Read more about Leave now, extension, or indefinite stay: Biden’s 3 bad Afghanistan options[…]

The latest consequence of climate change: The Arctic is now open for business year-round

The Arctic is now open for business year-round after a large commercial ship sailed the Northern Sea Route from Jiangsu, China, to a Russian gas plant on the Arctic coast, for the first time ever during the month of February, when winter temperatures normally make the icy waterway impassable. The tanker, owned by Russian maritime Read more about The latest consequence of climate change: The Arctic is now open for business year-round[…]

A pro-democracy activist on Hong Kong’s year of turmoil: “The city itself is dying”

Hong Kong transformed in a year. Starting in June 2019, the city convulsed with protests over a controversial extradition bill. That expanded into a pro-democracy movement that sought to push back against China’s efforts to further erode the city-state’s already tenuous autonomy, and the freedoms that went with it. By June 2020, the power of Read more about A pro-democracy activist on Hong Kong’s year of turmoil: “The city itself is dying”[…]

Germany contained Covid-19. Politics brought it back.

This story is one in our six-part series The Pandemic Playbook. Explore all the stories here. Last summer in Berlin, Christine Wagner could safely do something Covid-19 prevented much of the world’s population from doing: go to a movie theater. The possibility of strangers sitting together, indoors, for hours, taking off masks to eat popcorn Read more about Germany contained Covid-19. Politics brought it back.[…]

Biden’s Cuba policy is suddenly in the spotlight

The protests erupted Sunday in San Antonio de los Baños, a town outside Cuba’s capital city, Havana. They spread from there, with demonstrations bursting out across the country, from the streets of Havana to the countryside. They became the largest anti-government protests to happen in the country in decades — a remarkable show of resistance Read more about Biden’s Cuba policy is suddenly in the spotlight[…]

GOP opposition to the Iran deal is threatening to sink a Biden Pentagon nominee

Click Here: President Joe Biden’s pick to be the third-highest civilian leader at the Pentagon is already facing a tough confirmation challenge a week before his hearing — and it’s mostly because he staunchly supports the Iran nuclear deal. A spokesperson for Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK), the ranking member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Read more about GOP opposition to the Iran deal is threatening to sink a Biden Pentagon nominee[…]

South Korea’s Covid-19 success story started with failure

This story is one in our six-part series The Pandemic Playbook. Explore all the stories here. DAEGU, South Korea — Jo Hye-min stepped off the train and into a situation she had only seen in movies: a completely, and eerily, empty station. It was February 2020, when the threat posed by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Read more about South Korea’s Covid-19 success story started with failure[…]

5 things to know about the new US climate commitment

The United States has an aggressive new commitment for fighting climate change: cutting its greenhouse gas emissions by 50 to 52 percent relative to 2005 levels in less than a decade. The announcement came at the White House’s Earth Day summit on Thursday, where 40 world leaders met virtually to discuss and announce their new Read more about 5 things to know about the new US climate commitment[…]