FS32K146HAT0MLQT NXP Electronic Components

FS32K146HAT0MLQT belongs to ARM microcontroller MCU of NXP electronic components.Functional operating conditions appear in the DC electrical characteristics. Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only, and functional operation at the maximum values is not guaranteed. See footnotes in the following table for specific conditions. Stress beyond the listed maximum values may affect device reliability or Read more about FS32K146HAT0MLQT NXP Electronic Components[…]

DRV8801AQRMJRQ1 Electronic Components

DRV8801AQRMJRQ1 Electronic Components belongs to Automotive 40-V, 2.8-A H-bridge motor driver with current feedback with wettable flank QFN packag of Texas Instruments.The DRV8801AQRMJRQ1 device is an integrated motor driver solutions for brushed-DC motors. The device integrates a DMOS H-bridge and current sense and protection circuitry. The device can be powered with a supply voltage between Read more about DRV8801AQRMJRQ1 Electronic Components[…]

The Latest Snack Packaging Trend In 2022

The snack food industry is constantly evolving and expanding. What used to be dominated by potato chips and baked goods has expanded to include a wide variety of items packaged in snack-sized containers. This section is now available from nuts to dried fruit, granola bars, jerky, kale chips, superfood concoctions, gluten-free cookies, and more. Whether Read more about The Latest Snack Packaging Trend In 2022[…]


本教程适用版本:WPS 365 点击免费使用 遇到表格中出现空格或空白字符该如何删除?空格是指单元格内的字符间存在空格,此时若想批量删除可以利用「查找替换功能」。 ▪第一步:点击「开始」选项卡下的「查找替换」按钮,也可以按组合键「ctrl+H」唤出「查找替换」对话框。 >免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 ▪第二步:在查找内容栏中输入空格,接着直接点击全部替换即可;也可以选择「智能工具箱」选项卡,点击删除的下拉菜单,选择删除所有空格即可。 >免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 ▪但有时会出现表格内有空白却无法替换的情况,这是因为有时空白不一定是空格造成的,还可能为空字符,它与空白单元格的区别是空白单元格内是无字符的,因此可以用「查找-定位」空值,然后右键批量删除。 >免费升级到企业版,赠超大存储空间 ▪空字符单元格是单元格内存在空字符且无法用查找替换方式清除,该怎么处理呢? 首先选中含有空字符的单元格,确保可以在此单元格右上角看到黄色感叹号,接着用「shift+鼠标左键」选中需要清除空字符的表格区域。被选中的区域右上角会出现黄色感叹号,点击然后选择“清除前后空字符串”即可全部清除,需要注意,若没有首选含空字符的单元格而全选表格,则不会出现黄色感叹号。   Keyword: wps下载

Working for a CNC Company and a University Makerspace?

Not even a year out of college, and I’m working for a CNC manufacturer and serve as an ambassador to a university makerspace??? Don’t get me wrong, I’m both grateful and happy about this, but sometimes “I think, how did I get here?” Since I just returned from a meeting with that makerspace, I decided Read more about Working for a CNC Company and a University Makerspace?[…]