7/24/19 WWE NXT UK Recap

Trent Seven opens the show. He says he is going to knock Walter’s head off of his shoulders and doesn’t know how Walter can disrespect what has been built in NXT UK. Seven says Pete Dunne has other business and Tyler Bate is on the shelf, but he is here.
The opening credits roll. Aiden English and Vic Joseph are on commentary.

Match #1 – Singles Match: Kenny Williams vs. Noam Dar
Dar applies a wrist-lock and takes Williams to the mat. Dar turns it into a headlock, but Williams comes back with a shoulder tackle. Williams comes off the ropes, but Dar trips him up. Dar applies a front face-lock, but Williams gets free and takes Dar down to the mat. Dar gets free and applies a side headlock. Williams gets free and goes for a dropkick, but Dar dodges it. Dar applies a wrist-lock, but Williams counters and gets free. Dar slaps Williams across the face, but Williams comes back with forearm shots. Williams sends Dar to the floor and then kicks him in the face. Williams clubs Dar across the back and tries to toss him back into the ring, but Dar comes back with a clothesline. Dar tosses Williams back into the ring and goes for the cover, but Williams kicks out at two. Dar takes Williams down with a hip toss and then applies a rear chin-lock.
Williams counters with a jaw-breaker and then delivers a forearm shot. Williams delivers another forearm and then sends Dar into the corner. Williams delivers a superkick and then delivers a few clotheslines. Williams delivers a springboard back elbow and then connects with a suicide dive. Williams dropkicks Dar from the apron and then delivers another suicide dive. Williams tosses Dar back into the ring and goes up top. Williams connects with a back elbow and then slams him to the mat. Williams goes for the cover, but Dar kicks out at two. Dar comes back with a roll-up for two and Williams goes for a springboard cross-body, but Dar dodges it. Dar delivers a fisherman’s buster and goes for the cover, but Williams kicks out at two. Dar goes for the Nova Roller, but Williams counters with an elbow shot. Dar locks in an arm-bar, but Williams rolls through.
Both men go for clotheslines and then Dar kicks Williams in the face. Williams comes back with a kick to the face and Dar sends him off the ropes, but Williams comes back with a clothesline and both men are down. They exchange shots and Dar sends Williams to the apron and then locks in the knee-bar back in the ring, but Williams makes it to the ropes. Dar grabs Williams’s ankle, but he pushes Dar away and Williams’s shoe comes off as well. Williams catches Dar with a roll-up, but Dar kicks out at two. Dar tosses the shoe to the outside and catches Williams with a low blow. Dar hits the Nova Roller and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Noam Dar

The NXT UK Tag Team Champions, Grizzled Young Veterans, are interviewed, but are interrupted during a workout. Zack Gibson gets angry and wonders what the questions could possibly be that they haven’t already answered verbally or with their actions. He says they have beaten everyone that has been put in front of them and will soon be known as the most prestigious champions anywhere. Gibson says they need new contenders and Sid Scala and Johnny Saint are having an awful time finding them.

Footage from last month’s Women’s Battle Royal in shown, which Kay Lee Ray won to become the number one contender for the NXT UK Women’s Championship. Then, Ray’s announcement of when she will have her shot is shown. Her title match will be on Saturday, August 31st at NXT UK TakeOver: Cardiff.

Match #2 – Six-Woman Tag Team Match: Jazzy Gabert, Jinny, and Kay Lee Ray vs. Piper Niven, Toni Storm, and Xia Brookside
Brookside and Ray start the match. Storm tags in, but Ray tags in Jinny. Jinny takes Storm to the mat, but Storm comes back with a kick to the midsection. Storm delivers a jaw-breaker, but Jinny tags in Gabert. Niven tags in as well. They exchange shots and then Gabert drops Niven with a shoulder tackle. Gabert takes Niven to the corner and tags in Jinny. Jinny stomps away on Niven, but Niven comes back and slams Jinny to the mat. Brookside tags in and Niven slams her onto Jinny. Niven delivers an elbow drop and Brookside goes for the cover, but Jinny kicks out at two. Brookside takes Jinny down with a hurricanrana, but Jinny tags in Ray. Ray slams Brookside to the mat and then drops an elbow. Ray goes for the cover, but Brookside kicks out at two. Gabert tags in and slams Brookside to the mat. Gabert slams Brookside again and then tosses her into the corner.
Gabert delivers a series of clotheslines in the corner and tags Ray back in. Ray chokes Brookside over the ropes and then kicks her in the back. Ray goes for the cover, but Brookside kicks out at two. Brookside knocks Jinny and Gabert to the floor and then drops Ray with a DDT. Storm and Jinny tag in and Storm drops Jinny with a few suplexes. Storm drops Jinny with a clothesline and goes for the cover, but Jinny kicks out at two. Niven sends Ray to the floor and then she and Storm send Gabert out as well. Storm takes Jinny and Gabert out with a suicide dive and then Niven does the same to Ray. Ray comes off the top and takes everyone out. Storm tosses Jinny back into the ring and delivers a Shining Wizard. Storm goes for the cover, but Jinny kicks out at two. Niven and Gabert get into the ring and Niven takes Gabert out.
Ray delivers a superkick to Niven and then leaves the ring as Storm goes after her. Storm delivers a headbutt to Jinny and tags in Brookside. Gabert knocks Brookside down from the ropes and Jinny delivers a face-buster and gets the pin fall.
Winners: Jazzy Gabert, Jinny, and Kay Lee Ray

Trent Seven is shown warming up backstage. He battles Walter in the main event up next.

Dave Mastiff will respond to Joe Coffey’s comments on next week’s show.

Match #3 – Singles Match: Trent Seven vs. Walter
Seven takes Walter down with a suicide dive before the bell rings. Seven delivers a chop and then slams Walter into the barricade. Seven tosses Walter into the ring and the bell rings. Seven delivers more chops, but Walter comes back with forearm shots. Seven sends Walter to the floor and takes him out with a suicide dive. Seven delivers clubbing shots, but Walter backs him into the ring apron. Walter goes for a power bomb, but Seven counters with a back body drop. Seven kicks Walter in the back a few times and then delivers rights and lefts in the ring. Walter comes back and locks in a sleeper and then drops Seven with a German suplex. Walter delivers clubbing shots to Seven and then stomps away on him. Walter clubs Seven across the chest and chokes him with his boot in the corner. Seven comes back with a few chops, but Walter delivers a scoop slam.
Seven comes back with more chops, but Walter kicks him in the face. Walter wraps Seven in the ropes and delivers forearms across the chest. Seven comes back with a kick, but Walter catches him and locks in a single-leg Boston crab. Walter transitions into a rear naked choke, but Seven makes it to the ropes. Seven fights back with chops, but Walter kicks him in the face. Walter charges at Seven, but Seven dodges and takes Walter down with a suplex. Seven delivers more chops and delivers clotheslines. Walter comes back with a chop, but Seven drops him with a lariat. Seven chops Walter in the corner, but Walter kicks him in the midsection. Seven comes back with more chops, but Walter chops Seven down to the mat. Walter goes for the cover, but Seven kicks out at two. Walter kicks Seven a few times and then delivers a knee strike.
Walter goes for a kick, but Seven blocks it and delivers chops. Walter smacks Seven in the face, but Seven comes back with a back fist that sends Walter to the floor. Seven climbs up top, but Walter knocks him back down to the mat. Walter goes up top, but Seven cuts him off with chops. They battle on the top for a bit and then Seven delivers a superplex. Seven goes for the cover, but Walter kicks out at two. Walter rolls to the floor and Seven goes after him. Seven tries to pick Walter up, but his back gives out. Walter delivers a chop and then a kick to the face. Walter power bombs Seven on the apron and rolls him back into the ring. Walter delivers another power bomb, and then a third, as his Imperium group mates come to ringside. They turn their back on the ring and Walter delivers a fourth power bomb. Walter delivers a fifth power bomb and Imperium turns back to face the ring. Walter delivers a sixth power bomb and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner via referee stoppage: WalterClick Here: