8/27/19 WWE 205 Live Recap

A recap of last week’s Captain’s Challenge Ten-Man Tag Team Elimination Match is shown, in which Team Lorcan defeated Team Gulak. Footage of Drake Maverick with Oney Lorcan and Humerto Carrillo from earlier today. Lorcan says he wants another shot at Gulak, but Maverick says there is a predicament. He says Carrillo and Lorcan will go one-on-one tonight, and the winner will face Gulak at Clash of Champions.
The opening credits roll. Aiden English, Nigel McGuinness, and Tom Phillips are on commentary.

Match #1 – Singles Match: Ariya Daivari vs. Kalisto
Kalisto sends Daivari into the ropes and then delivers a springboard shoulder tackle. Kalisto sends Daivari to the floor ans into the barricade. Kalisto gets Daivari back into the ring, but Daivari comes back and trips Kalisto up on the apron and sends him to the floor. Daivari delivers a dropkick that sends Kalisto into the barricade. Daivari slams Kalisto into the steps and tosses him back into the ring. Daivari goes for the cover, but Kalisto kicks out at two. Daivari drapes Kalisto over the top rope and drops him with a neck-breaker. Daivari goes for the cover, but Kalisto kicks out again. Daivari clubs Kalisto in the back a few times, but Kalisto comes back with an elbow and a few kicks. Kalisto delivers right hands, but Daivari kicks him in the midsection. Daivari drops Kalisto with a clothesline and goes for the cover, but Kalisto kicks out at two.
Daivari applies a headlock and then delivers a spine-buster. Daivari goes for the cover, but Kalisto kicks out at two. Daivari applies a rear chin-lock, but Kalisto gets free with a few shots. Daivari clubs Kalisto in the back and sends him to the corner, but Kalisto comes back with a kick. Kalisto kicks Daivari in the face again, and then a third time. Kalisto delivers a few chops and then takes Daivari down with an arm drag. Kalisto takes Daivari down and goes for the cover, but Daivari kicks out at two. Kalisto sets up for the Solida Del Sol, but Daivari rolls to the apron. Kalisto goes after him, but Daivari slams Kalisto into the ropes. Daivari goes for a suplex on the apron, but Kalisto counters with an enzuigiri and a hurricanrana that sends Daivari to the floor. Kalisto tosses Daivari back into the ring and goes up top.
Kalisto connects with a 450 splash, but Daivari’s legs are on the ropes to break the count. Kalisto goes for Solida Del Sol, but Daivari rips at his mask. Daivari drops Kalisto with the hammer-lock lariat and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Ariya Daivari
-After the match, Daivari keeps the beat down on Kalisto, but Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado rush the ring. Daivari sends Metalik to the apron and Dorado gets in his face. Daivari talks to Dorado and exits the ring as Dorado and Metalik check on Kalisto.

Sarah Schreiber is backstage with Tony Nese. Nese says he will do anything and everything to win back the Cruiserweight Championship. He says maybe he needs to change how he goes about things, because being the Premier Athlete isn’t enough anymore.

The Singh Brothers cut a promo. They say their performances on 205 Live have not been award winning. They say they are going way back to study in the Bollywood studio, and they will be the greatest tag team in 205 Live history when they return.

Match #2 – #1 Contender’s (WWE Cruiserweight Championship) Match: Humberto Carrillo vs. Oney Lorcan
Lorcan backs Carrillo into the corner, but Carrillo gets free, Lorcan applies a side headlock, but Carrillo gets free and drops Lorcan with an arm drag. Lorcan comes back and they exchange take downs and stand at a stalemate. They lock up and then exchange covers for one counts and stand at another stalemate. Lorcan applies a wrist-lock, but Carrillo turns it into one of his own. Lorcan comes back and drops Carrillo with a knee strike. Lorcan goes for the cover, but Carrillo kicks out. Lorcan slams Carrillo into the turn buckle and delivers a chop in the corner. Lorcan drives his shoulder into Carrillo and drops him with a gut-buster. Lorcan goes for the cover, but Carrillo kicks out at one. Lorcan applies a waist-lock, but Carrillo gets free. Carrillo comes off the ropes, but Lorcan catches him with an uppercut to the back.
Lorcan drapes Carrillo over the ropes and goes for the cover, but Carrillo kicks out at two. Lorcan goes back to the waist-lock and turns it into a body scissors. Lorcan applies a rear chin-lock as well, but Carrillo counters with a pin attempt for two. Lorcan knees Carrillo in the midsection and rolls him up for two. Lorcan applies another waist-lock and goes for the half-and-half suplex, but Carrillo lands on his feet. Carrillo delivers an elbow and a boot to the face. Carrillo connects with a clothesline in the corner and a dropkick. Carrillo connects with a standing moonsault and goes for the cover, but Lorcan kicks out at two. Carrillo delivers a springboard headbutt and takes Lorcan out with a suicide dive on the floor. Carrillo tosses Lorcan back into the ring and goes for a sunset flip, but Lorcan rolls through and delivers an uppercut.
Carrillo comes back with a kick to the face and goes for the cover, but Lorcan kicks out. Carrillo goes up top and goes for a moonsault but Lorcan gets his boots up to block. Lorcan delivers hip attacks in the corner, but Carrillo comes back with a kick to the face. Lorcan delivers an uppercut and Carrillo kicks him in the face. Carrillo slaps Lorcan in the face and delivers a dropkick to the floor. Carrillo connects with another suicide dive and tosses Lorcan back into the ring. Carrillo goes up top, but Lorcan cuts him off with an uppercut. Lorcan goes for the half-and-half, but Carrillo counters and kicks Lorcan in the face. Carrillo connects with a double stomp on the apron and then delivers a power bomb. Carrillo goes for the cover, but Lorcan kicks out at two. They exchange shots and kicks and then Lorcan dropkicks Carrillo to the floor.
Lorcan delivers the half-and-half on the floor and goes up top. Lorcan connects with a cannonball from the top and tosses Carrillo back into the ring. Lorcan goes up top again and delivers another cannonball. Lorcan goes for the cover, btut Carrillo kicks out at two. Lorcan and Carrillo go up top and Lorcan goes for the half-and-half, but Carrillo elbows him to the mat. Lorcan comes back, but Carrillo tosses him down again. Carrillo splashes onto Lorcan and gets the pin fall.
Winner and number one contender for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Humberto Carrillo
-After the match, Gulak appears on the screen. He claps for Carrillo and says he is not the same teacher that Carrillo remembers. Gulak says he is going to teach Carrillo a new course in pain and punishment. He says he will continue to show everyone that if change is the rule, then he is the law.Click Here: