Warren, Buttigieg make gains in new national poll

Front-runner Joe BidenJoe BidenHillicon Valley: Biden calls on Facebook to change political speech rules | Dems demand hearings after Georgia election chaos | Microsoft stops selling facial recognition tech to police Trump finalizing executive order calling on police to use ‘force with compassion’ The Hill’s Campaign Report: Biden campaign goes on offensive against Facebook MORE’s support held steady in a new poll of the 2020 Democratic presidential race that saw Sen. Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth WarrenWarren, Democrats urge Trump to back down from veto threat over changing Confederate-named bases OVERNIGHT DEFENSE: Joint Chiefs chairman says he regrets participating in Trump photo-op | GOP senators back Joint Chiefs chairman who voiced regret over Trump photo-op | Senate panel approves 0B defense policy bill Trump on collision course with Congress over bases with Confederate names MORE (D-Mass.) and South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete ButtigiegPete ButtigiegScaled-back Pride Month poses challenges for fundraising, outreach Biden hopes to pick VP by Aug. 1 It’s as if a Trump operative infiltrated the Democratic primary process MORE make gains.

The poll from ABC News and The Washington Post released early Sunday found Biden with 27 percent support from Democrats and independents who lean toward the party, unchanged from a similar survey in early September.


Warren, however, gained 4 percentage points, climbing from 17 percent to 21 percent. The results mark a new high in the poll for the senator, ABC News noted.

Buttigieg, who is now at 7 percent, added 3 points since early September.

According to the survey, support for Sen. Bernie SandersBernie SandersThe Hill’s 12:30 Report: Milley apologizes for church photo-op Harris grapples with defund the police movement amid veep talk Biden courts younger voters — who have been a weakness MORE (I-Vt.) was also constant, holding at 19 percent.

Sen. Kamala HarrisKamala Devi HarrisRand Paul introduces bill to end no-knock warrants The Hill’s Campaign Report: Biden campaign goes on offensive against Facebook McEnany says Juneteenth is a very ‘meaningful’ day to Trump MORE (D-Calif.) lost 5 points, falling to 2 percent.

Pollsters also found that Biden has 28 percent support among registered voters, while Warren has 23 percent, Sanders has 17 percent and Buttigieg has 9 percent. No other Democratic candidate topped 2 percent in the new survey.

Biden is the favorite of moderates, black voters, men and those above the age of 65, the results show. The former vice president is also seen as having the best chance of beating President TrumpDonald John TrumpSenate advances public lands bill in late-night vote Warren, Democrats urge Trump to back down from veto threat over changing Confederate-named bases Esper orders ‘After Action Review’ of National Guard’s role in protests MORE, with 42 percent saying he has that attribute, compared to 17 percent who said the same about Warren and 16 percent for Sanders.

The new survey of 1,003 adults was conducted between Oct. 27 and Oct. 30. It has a margin of error of 5.5 percentage points.

Biden leads the 2020 Democratic field by about 7 points in the RealClearPolitics average of polling with 27.6 percent. Warren follows with 20.4 percent. She is trailed by Sanders with 17 percent, Buttigieg with 7.1 percent and Harris with 4.7 percent.

This report was updated at 8:13 a.m.

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