Ventura Meets With McMahon, Steve-O Thinks Umaga Is Champ, More

sources: Wrestling Observer,

Jesse Ventura met Vince McMahon earlier today at Titan Towers in Stamford, CT. No details regarding the meeting have come out yet.

Jackass’ Steve-O, who is scheduled to wrestle in a featured match at SummerSlam, has posted up another blog on his MySpace page regarding WWE. Despite his upcoming role in WWE, Steve-O doesn’t seem to be up to speed with things in WWE. In his blog he mentions that Umaga is the current WWE champ. Steve-O wrote, “Umaga actually knows what he’s doing, he’s very capable of safely choking me out, and he’s the current champion of the WWE…” You can read his entire blog at

He may be “presumed dead” in WWE storylines, but Vince McMahon looked to be very much alive backstage at Tuesday night’s Smackdown/ECW tapings. Witnesses are saying that McMahon went about business as usua. McMahon is said to be very happy with the reaction and “buzz” the storyline is creating.

Could a Stephanie McMahon TV return be in the works? (>>)