John Cena & Ron Killings Have A Real Life Confrontation In An Airport


– WWE Heavyweight Champion John Cena and TNA star Ron Killings had a real life confrontation Monday morning at around 7 AM Eastern at the Charlotte Douglas International Airport in Charlotte, NC.

Cena, who was leaving town to get to the RAW taping in Canada, saw Killings (who lives in Charlotte and was on his way to Orlando for the Impact tapings) and approached him over some issues from their past. Apparently Cena was upset with Killings for making negative comments about him in some TNA promos.

The two stared each other down as if one was waiting for the other to say something in person. However, no physical confrontation ended up taking place and the two went there separate ways as it turned out to be nothing more than a tense moment.

As we reported yesterday, Killings is currently out of action rehabbing from knee surgery.

*DIRECT LINK* View The Ron Killings Promo That Pissed John Cena Off >>