TPA2013D1RGPR Electronic Components

TPA2013D1RGPR Electronic Components belongs to of Texas Instruments.The TPA2013D1RGPR is a high efficiency Class D audio power amplifier with an integrated boost converter. It drives up to 2.7 W (10% THD+N) into a 4-Ω speaker. The built-in boost converter generates the voltage rail for the Class-D amplifier. The TPA2013D1RGPR has an integrated low-pass filter to improve RF rejection and reduce out-ofband noise, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).

The TPA2013D1RGPR device is a high efficiency Class-D audio power amplifier with an integrated boost converter. It drives up to 2.7 W (10% THD+N) into a 4-Ω speaker. With 85% typical efficiency, the TPA2013D1 helps extend battery life when playing audio.

TPA2013D1RGPR Electronic Components Features


Main product features


High Efficiency Integrated Boost Converter (Over 90% Efficiency)

2.2-W into an 8-Ω Load from a 3.6-V Supply

2.7-W into an 4-Ω Load from a 3.6-V Supply

Operates from 1.8 V to 5.5 V

Product Application

Cell Phones



Portable Electronics