Detailed Scripts Leak For B-Team ‘BBQ’ On Raw; Writer & Talent Rules Revealed, Who Produced the Segment?

Reddit user wickedsfinx has obtained and released a copy of the script for the B-Team BBQ and food fight segment which aired on WWE Raw this week.

Also released was a production notes sheet offering a writer’s in-ring promo checklist of things talents and production staff members need to coordinate on. You can check out both sheets below, the first being the actual script with written lines for the talent in the segments, and the second being the writer’s checklist which was likely distributed to producers, talents and production members. Checklist highlights include:

A recommendation to rehearse the segment beforehandAlerting Executives such as Kevin Dunn and Vince McMahon if specific notes given do not workNo adlibbing by the talent is allowedSpeak clearly so executives such as Vince McMahon can hearTime the final line of the segment with the music for the segment endThe segment was produced by Brian “Road Dogg” James and Dean Malenko

Look what I got my hands on…[minor RAW spoilers] from r/SquaredCircle

from reddit user wickedsfinx

— Handsome Pat Fannin (@Patrick_Fannin) May 29, 2018

This B-Team BBQ on #RAW…

I think the “B” in B-Team stands for…

— #WOKEN Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) May 29, 2018

B-Team Baked Beans? Hors d’Oeuvres of Pain? What would YOU want to try?!

— WWE (@WWE) May 29, 2018

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