Hounding Citibank to help a reader collect his deserved due

Readers: I got a kick out of this reader’s two e-mails. Here’s the first one:

Dear John: My father has money in a Citibank account with his name on it. It came from his aunt, who died in 2001. He was the heir and executor of her will, and was never notified about it.

We found the money in unclaimed funds and sent in all the notarized paperwork. There is another gentleman on the account, who is deceased.

My father received a letter from unclaimed funds saying he had to get birth certificates for both people and proof of a relationship to his aunt’s address. I have his aunt’s Social Security number, birthdate and death date. I believe I have the other man’s SSN and dates.

My father is 85 years old, frail and almost deaf. He is trying to find his aunt’s paperwork, to no avail right now. I asked unclaimed funds for help on this matter, and the supervisor was rude and slammed down the phone on me. We need help. Thanks. T.M.

The second e-mail:

Dear John: We got the money!

I spoke to unclaimed funds, which denied speaking to anyone from Citibank, and had no notes on the account. I told them a New York Post writer was going to help me.

I was then transferred to customer service, where I gave birth and death dates. I was then told my father would have a check in a week. Many thanks and blessings. T.M.

Dear T.M.: Glad I could be of help, especially since I didn’t have to do anything.

Just so you know, I did contact New York state for you, but it seems that just the mention of The Post’s name appears to have gotten the job done before I needed to use my charm (and threats) to settle this matter.

Anyone else out there with a problem is welcome to do the same. Mention that the company/person causing you grief will end up in Dear John, and maybe you can settle your problem without me. That, of course, could put me out of a job but …

Dear John: I have been unsuccessful in obtaining copies of archived New Jersey foster-care records for my father and his brother, both of whom are now deceased. My father died in 1976, and his brother in 1984.

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I was diagnosed with a rare form of thyroid cancer, and any medical information about my father would help my doctors tremendously.

My mother, who is living, also wants the records released.

It’s a race against the clock. and I’m hoping the records have not been destroyed by the state.

The Passaic [NJ] court confirmed that my request is covered under the Open Public Records Act. However, my OPRA requests were denied because the law — they say — prohibits the state from disclosing foster-care information to anyone but the former foster-care client.

The regulation makes no reference to disclosing information if the foster-care client is deceased.

In order to gain access to these records, the regulations need to be changed. Any help would be appreciated. C.M.

Dear C.M.: As you know from our conversations, I called the governor’s office in Jersey on your behalf and put you in touch with someone who was trying to help.

But when I contacted you a couple months later, you still hadn’t gotten the records you need. So we are trying again.

From my understanding of this, you may have simply filed under the wrong state law. I was told that you should have filed to unseal your father’s records, rather than for open access to the records.

It seems pretty similar to me, but apparently not to the state.

Anyway, I’m still plugging along on this. Hopefully, someone in the governor’s office will take sympathy on you and cut through the red tape.