If you do what you have always done…

You will get what you have always got. Not very good English but so true. Over the course of my career I have observed that those that are the best are constantly working at getting better. Sometimes the changes are subtle and other times they are very drastic – but change is a constant. Sustained excellence demands constant change and adaptation. Change is necessary to grow, to push the envelope but always building on what you have done before. Know what must be changed. How will you know? You will know through constant self-reflection and analysis of training. Get outsiders to evaluate what you do and your system. Involve the athletes ask them. Working to get better is a daily process.

Look outside your sport in fact look outside sport. Right now I am reading Toyota Tata to help me to understand how Toyota has been able to maintain a competitive advantage. They have been able to sustain a high level of performance because they build change into their system.

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It is important to remember also that sometimes the most profound change is no change at all. Sometimes what you do not do is as important as what you do. In the process of change never lose sight of what got to where you are – something was right wholesale change is seldom necessary. The advice of the old cowboy stands true – always dance the last dance with who you brought to the dance.

Vern Gambetta

Director at Gambetta Sports Training Systems

Vern is the Director of Gambetta Sports Training Systems. He has been the a conditioning coach for several MLS teams as well as the conditioning consultant to the US Men’s World Cup Soccer team. Vern is the former Director of Conditioning for the Chicago White Sox and New York Mets. He has lectured and conducted clinics in Canada, Japan, Australia and Europe and has authored six books and over one hundred articles related to coaching and sport performance in a variety of sports. He has a BA in teaching with a coaching minor and an MA in Education with an emphasis in physical education from Stanford University.


Athletic Development Coach & Consultant. Founder of GAIN Network. Proud dad. Love to read everything.

RT @GreatestQuotes: Your aspirations are your possibilities. – Samuel Johnson – 4 years ago
Vern Gambetta
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