McMahon Wants WWE To Be More Like UFC, The Condemned, More

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

– Vince McMahon has been telling people this week that he wants more UFC style legitimate finishes in the company. McMahon gets on these kicks where he wants a more realistic product at times and a less realistic product at other times. He is attempting to get referee stop finishes over for the monsters as well as educate fans to flash knockouts and one blow knockouts where the ref would immediately stop the match.

– The Condemned starring Steve Austin will be out on DVD on September 18th. Given the film’s lackluster performance in the box office, DVD sales and rentals are going to have to be literarily astronomical to turn any kind of profit with the film what-so-ever. As we reported last week, WWE is already writing the flick off as a financial loss.

– WWE’s new developmental territory Florida Championship Wrestling will hold their first show on June 26th in Tampa, Florida. The new developmental territory is going to make it easier to get special guest appearances because so many WWE wrestlers live in the Florida area. John Cena and Eugene will be at the debut show and coincidentally are both Florida residents.

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