Shannon Moore On 205 Live Roster, Origins Of 3 Count, Matt Hardy/Version 1

Former WWE Superstar Shannon Moore recently appeared as a guest on The Two Man Power Trip Of Wrestling podcast for an in-depth interview. Featured below are some highlights from the interview.

On older Superstars remaining healthy and performing as part of the 205 Live crew: “Yeah, I think that is one thing that I did and I took about a year off because my body was a little beat up which was a good thing because now I feel like I am 18 and couldn’t feel better and I’m getting in the best shape that I’ve been in for many years. As far as 205 Live goes, I agree with you that our cruiserweight division that rolled into WWE and that actually took shape in WWE for a couple of years, was something special. I would love to see a lot of cruiserweights from my time actually come in and actually compete against some of the 205 Live guys because some of those guys are really young and there is a lot of knowledge in our cruiserweight division with everyone that was there and I think that if they did something where they mixed it up with the old school cruiserweight guys I think that knowledge could be passed on and help shape 205 Live even better than what it is now.”

On being paired up with Matt Hardy while doing the Version 1 gimmick: “It all went full circle. From WCW to WWE and when they put me with Matt and we got to do some comedy stuff based off of his character and with Crash as my “Moore-on” and me as Matt’s “M’fer” we always put 100% into it. Even the littlest spots like when we were in the Rumble at one point and it was me, Matt and Jeff in there and there were spots where I kept Matt in the ring and put my feet on his back and I wouldn’t let Jeff swanton him. We tried to make the best out of it that we could and tried to at least get a spot that the people would remember forever and that is exactly what I always try to do and that is leave an impression on whoever is watching the pay per view or watching the show live. Just leave them with something that they will always think about.”

On getting signed by World Championship Wrestling (WCW): “It was funny that the main reason I got hired and they pretty much sent out my contract and hadn’t seen me work yet. They wanted me to bring somebody down whenever they had seen me perform and I brought Shane Helms went with me and they hired Shane too and Shane ended up getting hired. Me, Shane Helms, Christian York and Joey Mathews were the Badstreet Boys in Music City Wrestling which was right before WCW and we were out there pretty much every weekend or a couple times a month at least working through Music City Wrestling and we had such a good following and our whole boy-band type thing was so over out there.”

On the origins of the 3 Count faction in WCW: “They were going to fire us and basically Jimmy Hart scooped in and he had this idea for 3 Count and I don’t know where it came from but at the time Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake were hot and Jimmy wanted to really use us and record serious music and put it out like pop stars and that is kind of how it happened with the music is Jimmy got behind it and than it turned into like the most over heels on the shows because all of the people hated us. Especially with that we looked so young and the horrible music, they really put us in a good spot there.

“After we got going I knew that with a wrestling crowd it was going to be hard to win them over. Once we started going out there and getting heat and they started booking it like that I really like it and I thought it was cool. Arn Anderson (I love that dude) he booked us to our max potential in being in that spot.”

Check out the complete episode of The Two Man Power Trip Of Wrestling podcast featuring the Shannon Moore interview at

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