VIDEO: Being The Elite – 'God, I Loved Those Shoes'

Video —

This week on Being The Elite —

The cold open —

Matt and Nick Jackson mourned the loss of their Dior shoes, stolen by Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston on last week’s Dynamite. 

The Elite —

Trick Shots with Nick Jackson saw Nick hitting some trick shots. 
Footage from Young Bucks vs. Varsity Blonds was shown. 
Nick hit more trick shots. 
Brandon Cutler regained the BTE Championship from Charlie from Sammy Guevara’s vlog. 
Matt cut a long promo on Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston.

Dark Order —

The group drew pictures as a coping mechanism following their recent struggles. 

Miscellaneous bits —

Ryan Nemeth continued his Hollywood trivia bit, asking Rebel who played the hunky spokesperson for Venmo commercials. Rebel had no idea that it was Nemeth. 
Peter Avalon wrote a note in a book for Leva Bates. Alex Reynolds intercepted the book and signed the note. 
The Bunny and Brandon Cutler’s dormant feud continued. The Bunny acted as though she was calling for a truce, but it was a swerve. The two declared war on each other. 
Rocky Romero and Best Friends all kicked John Silver below the belt. 
Nemeth asked Trent a trivia question. Trent knew the answer, but only because Nemeth had bragged to him about it before. 
Best Friends and Romero answered questions from fans in a BTE Mailbag segment. 
Avalon, Nemeth, Cezar Bononi and JD Drake met in a hotel room to do yoga together. Bononi brought a “yoga book” that turned out to be a kama sutra book. 

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