WWE RAW Results – December 30, 2013

Team Total Divas vs. Team Not Total Divas

Eva Marie starts things off for her team. Kaitlyn starts things off for her team. The announcers argue a bunch about a ton of different topics, talking about pretty much any and everything except the action in the ring. Summer Rae is in the ring now beating up Cameron. She quickly tags out to Aksana. Aksana goes to work on Cameron. Cameron finally makes the tag to Nikki Bella who clotheslines Aksana down. All ten Divas end up in the ring. When the smoke clears, Nikki and Aksana remain. Summer Rae comes up on the apron screaming, but Bella knocks her off. Aksana uses the distraction, however, to pick up the pin over Nikki.

Winners: Team Not Total Divas

Backstage: Brad Maddox & The Authority

Backstage, Brad Maddox apologizes for the referee screwing up the pin in the Great Khali and Damien Sandow match to Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Stephanie says she’s impressed with him tonight. Maddox says he’s got their favorites ready to come back at Old School RAW next week.

Daniel Bryan vs. Luke Harper

Daniel Bryan makes his way to the ring. We head to commercial. When we return from commercial, The Wyatt Family make their entrance. Remember, the rules here state that if Bryan defeats Luke Harper, who he will be facing first, he then has to beat Erick Rowan next. If he can beat them both, he gets to get his hands on Bray Wyatt. The bell sounds and Bryan runs right at Harper and goes straight to work. Bryan throws a ton of kicks at the legs of Harper early on. Bryan puts Harper in a surfboard type submission hold, which Harper survives. Harper is now dominating Bryan, beating him from one side of the ring to the other. Harper hits Bryan with a gator roll now, as he continues to punish the smaller guy. Bryan starts to make a comeback, but ends up getting stopped short by Harper, who is now beating up Bryan some more as we head to a mid-match commercial. When we return from commercial, Harper is still beating up Bryan. We see some footage from the WWE App of Harper working over Bryan on the floor during the break. Bryan is using his speed now and seems to be in the midst of a legit comeback this time. Bryan ducks as Harper runs at him, pulling down the top rope and sending Harper flying out to the floor. Bryan hits a typical DB-dive through the ropes onto Harper on the floor. He rolls in the ring and immediately hits a second running-dive onto Harper on the floor. Bryan hits a missile dropkick on Harper off the top rope. Bray Wyatt is shown shouting instructions to Harper from his rocking chair at ringside as Bryan continues to kick Harper all over the ring. Harper hits a huge seated-powerbomb on Bryan off the top rope for a near fall. Ouch. We get some much-deserved replays off that. Harper is now stalking Bryan and picking his shots, as he’s once again in control of the match. Bryan ends up catching Harper out of nowhere with the “Yes! Lock.” Harper escapes and nails Bryan with a big boot to the face. Bryan hits the Running Knee out of nowhere. 1-2-3. Bryan wins.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan vs. Erick Rowan

As soon as Bryan wins, Erick Rowan comes in and attacks Bryan from behind. The ref pushes Rowan into the corner and forces him to allow Bryan up before starting the match. The bell sounds and Rowan jumps right back on top of him. Rowan throws Bryan out to the floor. Rowan throws Bryan into the ringside steps. Rowan hits a weird slam on Bryan on the announce table. We get a shot of Bray Wyatt looking on, smiling at what Rowan is doing to Bryan. On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial. When we return from commercial, Rowan is still in control, beating up Bryan in the ring. Immediately, Bryan starts kicking back but Rowan stops him short. Rowan is beating up Bryan in a one-sided beatdown since we have returned from the commercial. Rowan hits a fall-away slam off the top rope. We see Bray Wyatt looking on again from his rocking chair in the aisle. Bryan rolls Rowan up literally out of nowhere. 1-2-3. Bryan wins.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt

Rowan continues attacking Bryan. Harper ends up going in and grabbing him by the face. Harper forces Rowan to leave the ring. Bray Wyatt slowly approaches the ring. Bray enters the ring and is yelling at Bryan. The ref makes Bray wait for Bryan to get up before starting the match. Bryan is barely up, slumped over in the corner. Bray runs at him but stops right in front of him. Bray simply turns around and keeps his back to him. Rowan and Harper end up coming in and attacking Bryan together. Harper throws Bryan out to the floor. Harper and Rowan beat up Bryan on the floor, repeatedly slamming him into the barricade. They throw Bryan back in the ring and continue the beatdown. Harper hits the clothesline from hell on him. Harper and Rowan double-chokeslam Bryan as Bray grabs a mic. Bray sits slumped in the corner and he’s singing some weird lyrics before doing his evil laugh. Bray tells Bryan he’s afraid this is where their story ends. He says he has no mercy left to give. He says this is his fault. He’s going to punish him. He orders Bryan to open his eyes and look at him. Bray grabs Bryan by the hair. He tells him this is the end. Bryan says you’re right. Bray orders him to say it again. Bryan says it again. Bray hands him the mic and yells at him to say it again. Bryan says you’re right. He says Bray was always right. No matter how many matches he won, or how loud the people cheered for him, Bray was always right. The machine would never let Bryan win. No matter how loud the fans chanted. He says the fans chanted “Yes!” in every building he’s ever been to, and “they” don’t care. He tells Bray, “I’m yours.” He asks to join the family. Bray extends his hand. He takes it away as Bryan goes to reach for it. Bray tells him to crawl. Bryan crawls up Bryan’s body. At the last second, Bray grabs Bryan and hits him with the Sister Abigail. Bray puts Bryan’s hand on his heart and says, “this is forever. This is going to change everything.” Bray tells Harper and Rowan to pick him up. Harper and Rowan pick Bryan up and help him walk to the back, all four of them together. They let Bryan go. Bryan walks on his own power. All four guys reach the top of the stage. Bryan stops and looks at them. The music stops. Bryan turns and looks at the fans, all of which are chanting “No! No! No!” Bryan slowly drops his head. Bryan starts getting angry. The fans chant “Daniel Bryan, Daniel Bryan” as Bryan looks around. Bryan shakes his head no. He calms down and drops his head again. Bryan shakes his head no and slowly turns around. Bryan then follows Bray backstage. RAW ends on that note.

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