Katherine Heigl fête ses 11 ans de mariage : Sa séance photo ratée avec son mari

Toutes les stars ne sont pas aussi douées que Kim Kardashian ou Céline Dion pour mettre en scène leur vie de famille sur les réseaux sociaux. Le 23 décembre 2018, Katherine Heigl et Josh Kelley ont célébré leurs 11 ans de mariage. Un anniversaire que l’actrice américaine a voulu immortaliser avec une photo de couple. C’était sans compter sur la photogénie de son mari… Une séance photo épique que la star a partagée avec ses quelque 3 millions de fans sur Instagram ce lundi.

Last nights attempt to get @joshbkelley to pose for an anniversary pic with me. Nothing makes him more uncomfortable than selfies, posing and smoldering. Nothing makes me laugh harder than trying to get him to do all three. I think perhaps the most important and blessed part of our partnership is his sense of humor. There is no one who makes me laugh with the same kind of abandon as Josh. No one who can turn my anxiety, stress, fear or overwhelmed-ness into light and peals of laughter like he does. I imagine the sometimes complicated nature of my mind can frustrate or overwhelm him but he never lets on. I have never felt anything but unconditional support, love, safety and protection from this extraordinary man. My only hope and prayer is that he feels nothing but the same from me. Except when he leaves his dirty socks on the kitchen table…or his bikes in the living room…or his beard hair in the sink…but other than that… I love you Josh, like I have never loved another. Thank you for the Grace of your love in my life. You are my knight in shining guitar straps. You are the lightness in my soul. You are the love of my life. Here’s to decade after decade of laughing our as*#% off!

Une publication partage par Katherine Heigl (@katherineheigl) le

This girls got more than a little up her sleeve. Can’t wait for tomorrow’s water cooler conversation about tonight’s @suits_usa summer finale! There will be spoilers in the conversation so no whining if you don’t watch tonight and happen to overhear the BIG news! #girlswithgumption #anythingyoucandoicandobetter #SamanthaWheeler

Une publication partage par Katherine Heigl (@katherineheigl) le

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