The Voice of Wrestling video show, hosted by Nick Paglino and Chris Cash, has premiered on FITE TV and you can watch the latest episode today at 5pm EST in the video player above!
On this week’s VOW, Chris and Nick wrap up their WWE Superstar Shake-up “tag in tag out” discussion and reveal which brand came out on top.
The “main event” of this week’s show features the show hosts debating the Roman Reigns problem, if WWE can ever get the crowd behind the “Big Dog”, and what needs to happen with Reigns moving forward. The show also previews this Friday’s Greatest Royal Rumble event, offers Rumble match picks, who needs to win the WWE Universal Title and More!
VOW airs live on FITE TV every Wednesday at 5pm EST, with replays available OnDemand. To catch new episodes of the show, install the FITE app from iOS App Store or Android Google Play. You can also watch VOW via your desktop at this link, and hit favorite to be alerted when new episodes are available!